Laudes - Lectio
02 May, 2021
Deus suscitávit Jesum tértia die.
God raised Jesus to life on the third day
Et dedit eum maniféstum fíeri non omni pópulo, sed téstibus præordinátis a Deo,
and allowed him to be seen, not by the whole people but only by certain witnesses God had chosen beforehand.
nobis, qui manducávimus et bíbimus cum illo postquam resurréxit a mórtuis;
Now we are those witnesses, we have eaten and drunk with him after his resurrection from the dead,
et præcépit nobis prædicáre pópulo et testificári quia ipse est, qui constitútus est a Deo judex vivórum et mortuórum.
and he has ordered us to proclaim this to his people and to tell them that God has appointed him to judge everyone, alive or dead.
Huic omnes prophétæ testimónium pérhibent
It is to him that all the prophets bear this witness:
remissiónem peccatórum accípere per nomen ejus omnes qui credunt in eum.
that all who believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven through his name.
02 May - Laudes - Lectio