Laudes - Responsorium Breve
27 February, 2021
Responsorium Breve
Ipse liberávit me De láqueo venántium.
He has freed me from the snare of those who go hunting.
Ipse liberávit me De láqueo venántium.
He has freed me from the snare of those who go hunting.
Et a verbo áspero. De láqueo venántium.
And from the harsh word. From the snare of those who go hunting.
Glória Patri, et Fílio et Sprítui Sancto.
Glory be to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
Ipse liberávit me De láqueo venántium.
He has freed me from the snare of those who go hunting.
27 February - Laudes - Responsorium Breve