Laudes - Hymnus
01 November, 2019
1. Jesu, salvátor sǽculi,
O Jesus, Savior of the world,
Redémptis ope súbveni:
Assist the souls you have redeemed;
Et, pia Dei Génitrix,
And gentle Mother of our Lord,
Salútem posce míseris.
For us poor sinners pardon win.
2. Cœtus omnes Angélici,
2. May all the gleaming Angel hosts
Patriarchárum cúnei,
And patient Patriarchs serene,
Et Prophetárum mérita
And Prophets faithful unto death,
Nobis precéntur véniam.
Make supplication for the world.
3. Baptísta tui prǽvius
3. May John, fore-runner of our Light,
Et Cláviger æthéreus
And he who holds the keys above,
Cum céteris Apóstolis
And all Apostles of our Lord,
Nos solvant nexu críminis.
Absolve us from the stains of sin.
4. Chorus sacrátus Mártyrum,
4. And may the Martyrs countless throng,
Conféssio Sacerdótum,
And Priests devoted to their Lord,
Et virginális cástitas
And holy virgins' merits too,
Nos a peccátis ábluant.
Obtain remission for our falls.
5. Monachórum suffrágia
5. May pure monastic prayer above,
Omnésque cives cǽlici
United with all Saints on high,
Annuant votis súpplicum
Accept our lowly sighs on earth,
Et vitæ poscant prǽmium.
And gain for us eternal life.
6. Laus, honor, virtus, glória,
6. Praise, honor, might and glory
Deo Patri, et Fílio,
be to God the Father,
Sancto simul Paráclito,
the Son and the Holy Comforter,
In sæculórum sǽcula.
For ever and ever.
01 November - Laudes - Hymnus