Laudes - Lectio
14 October, 2021
Non sunt condígnæ passiónes hujus témporis ad futúram glóriam quæ revelánda est in nobis.
Are not worthy to be compared with that future glory which shall be revealed in us.
Nam exspectátio creatúræ revelatiónem filiórum Dei exspéctat;
For the anticipation of the creature anticipates the revelation of the sons of God.
vanitáti enim creatúra subjécta est,
For the creature was made subject to emptiness,
non volens sed propter eum qui subjécit,
not willingly, but for the sake of the One who made it subject,
in spem, quia et ipsa creatúra liberábitur a servitúte corruptiónis
unto hope. For the creature itself shall also be delivered from the servitude of corruption,
in libertátem glóriæ filiórum Dei.
into the liberty of the glory of the sons of God.
14 October - Laudes - Lectio