Matutinum - Hymnus
25 January, 2021
1. Doctor egrégie, Paule, mores ínstrue
1. Doctor without equal, Paul, instruct
Et mente polum nos transférre sátage,
Our life and mind that we be set on the path to heaven;
Donec perféctum largiátur plénius,
Grant that we may more fully possess what has been perfected
Evacuáto quod ex parte gérimus.
And what we now know only in part.
2. Sit Trinitáti sempitérna glória,
2. Glory be to the eternal Trinity,
Honor, potéstas atque iubilátio,
Honor, power and praise
In unitáte, cui manet impérium
In the Unity, whose authority
Ex tunc et modo per ætérna sǽcula.
Abides now and for eternal ages.
25 January - Matutinum - Hymnus