Matutinum - Responsorium
02 November, 2021
Resp.iLI-be-rame-mi-nedevi-isin-fér-ni,quipor-tasǽ-re-asconfre--sti:etvi-si--stiin-férnum,etde--stie-islu-men,utvi--rentte:*Quie-rantin-niste-ne-brá-rum.V. Cla-mán-tesetdi-cén-tes:Adve-nís-ti,Red-émptornos-ter.*Quie-rantin-niste-ne-brá-rum.V. Ré-qui-emæ-térnam-naé-is-mi-ne:etluxper--tu-a-ce-ate-is.*Quié-rantin-niste-ne-brá-rum.
Resp.iLI-be-rame-mi-nedevi-isin-fér-ni,quipor-tasǽ-re-asconfre--sti:etvi-si--stiin-férnum,etde--stie-islu-men,utvi--rentte:*Quie-rantin-niste-ne-brárum.V. Cla-mán-tesetdi-cén-tes:Adve-nís-ti,Red-émptornos-ter.*Quie-rantin-niste-ne-brárum.V. Ré-qui-emæ-térnam-naé-is-mi-ne:etluxper-tu-a-ce-ate-is.*Quié-rantin-niste-ne-brárum.
Libera me Dómine de víis inférni,
Deliver me, O Lord, from the paths of hell,
qui pórtas ǽreas confregísti:
even thou that didst break the gates of brass;
et visitásti inférnum,
even thou that didst visit hell,
et dedísti éis lúmen,
and gravest light to the inhabitants thereof,
ut vidérent te:
that they might see thee:
Qui érant in pœnis tenebrárum.
Them that were in the pains of darkness.
Clamántes et dicéntes:
Them that were crying aloud and saying:
Advenísti, Redémptor noster.
Thou hast come, O our Redeemer.
Qui érant in pœnis tenebrárum.
Them that were in the pains of darkness.
Réquiem ætérnam dóna éis Dómine:
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord:
et lux perpétua lúceat éis.
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Qui érant in pœnis tenebrárum.
Them that were in the pains of darkness.
02 November - Matutinum - Responsorium