Matutinum - Hymnus
24 October, 2021
1. Primo diérum ómnium,
1. On the first of all days
Quo mundus exstat cónditus
On which the universe stands forth,
Vel quo resúrgens Cónditor
On which the Creator rising again
Nos, morte victa, líberat,
Frees us, having conquered death.
2. Pulsis procul torpóribus,
2. Sloth has been driven far away,
Surgámus omnes ócius,
So let us all rise quickly,
Et nocte quærámus pium,
And in the night seek the Holy one,
Sicut Prophétam nóvimus,
As we know the prophet did.
3. Nostras preces ut áudiat
3. May the Creator hear our prayers
Suámque dextram pórrigat,
And extend to us his right hand,
Et expiátos sórdibus
And grant that we purified from uncleanness
Reddat polórum sédibus,
May be taken to the seats of heaven.
4. Ut, quique sacratíssimo
4. That anyone who on this most holy
Hujus diéi témpore
Time of the day,
Horis quiétis psállimus,
Sings in these quiet hours
Donis beátis múneret.
May be rewarded with blessed gifts.
5. Jam nunc, patérna cláritas,
5. Now today, Splendor of the Father,
Te postulámus áffatim:
We earnestly pray you
Absit libído sórdidans
That the baseness of lust be far removed,
Et omnis actus nóxius.
And every evil deed.
6. Ne fœda sit, vel lúbrica
6. Lest it should become foul or defiled
Compágo nostri córporis,
The framework of our body,
Per quam avérni ígnibus
So that, by the very fires of hell
Ipsi cremémur ácrius.
We should be burned severely.
7. Ob hoc, Redémptor, quǽsumus,
7. On account of this, Redeemer, we ask,
Ut probra nostra díluas;
That Thou wash away our shame:
Vitæ perénnis cómmoda
And that the gifts of life eternal
Nobis benígne cónferas.
Thou kindly would bestow upon us.
8. Quo carnis actu éxsules
8. That exiled by an act of the flesh
Effécti ipsi cǽlibes,
Having made ourselves celibate
Ut præstolámur cérnui,
We await prostrate
Melos canámus glóriæ.
That we might sing the hymn of glory.
9. Præsta, Pater piíssime,
9. Grant it, O most compassionate Father,
Patríque compar Unice,
And Your Only Begotten equal to the Father,
Cum Spíritu Paráclito
Who with the Holy Spirit
Regnans per omne sǽculum.
Reign for ever and ever.
24 October - Matutinum - Hymnus