Matutinum - Hymnus
06 August, 2022
1. Quicúmque Christum quǽritis,
. O all of you who seek Christ,
Oculos in altum tólite:
Look up to the sky:
Illic licébit vísere
You will be given to contemplate there
Signum perénnis glóriæ.
The sign of eternal glory.
2. Illústre quiddam cérnimus,
2. We discover a luminous being,
Quod nésciat finem pati:
Who knows no decline,
Sublíme, celsum, intérminum,
Very high, very big, without limits,
Antíquius cælo et chao.
Older than the sky and the chaos.
3. Hic ille Rex est géntium,
3. This is the King of the nations
Populíque Rex Judáici,
And the King of the Jewish people,
Promíssus Abrahæ patri,
Promised to our father Abraham,
Ejúsque in ævum sémini.
To his immortal descendants.
4. Hunc et prophétis téstibus.
4. Before his witnesses, the Prophets,
Isdémque signatóribus,
Who once figured it,
Testátor et Pater jubet
Witnessing in turn, the Father
Audíre nos et crédere.
Commands us To listen to him, to believe in him.
5. Glória tibi Dómine,
5. Glory to you, Lord Jesus!
Qui apparuísti hódie,
That you appeared on this day!
Cum Patre et Sancto Spíritu
And the Father and the Holy Spirit,
In sempitérna sǽcula.
forever and ever.
06 August - Matutinum - Hymnus