Matutinum - Hymnus
27 January, 2021
Rerum Creátor óptime,
1. O great Creator of all things,
Rectórque noster, áspice:
Our Ruler, favorably behold:
Nos a quiéte nóxia
From the dangers of the silent night,
Mersos sopóre líbera.
Overwhelmed by sleep, deliver us.
2. Te, sancte Christe, póscimus,
2. We pray you, O Holy Christ,
Ignósce tu crimínibus:
Forgive us our sins,
Ad confiténdum súrgimus,
We rise to confess our sins,
Morásque noctis rúmpimus.
Breaking the delay of night.
3. Mentes manúsque tóllimus,
3. We raise minds and hands
Prophéta sicut nóctibus
As the prophetic psalmist in the night
Nobis geréndum prǽcipit,
Taught us to act and as
Paulúsque gestis cénsuit.
As Paul as well directed our actions.
4. Vides malum, quod géssimus:
4. You see the evil we have done,
Occúlta nostra pándimus:
we reveal our hidden sins,
Preces geméntes fúndimus,
With groans, we pour out our prayers;
Dimítte quod peccávimus.
Forgive those sins which we have committed.
5. Præsta, Pater piíssime,
5. Most loving Father, hear our prayer,
Patríque compar Unice,
And you, O Christ co-equal Son,
Cum Spíritu Paráclito
Who with the Spirit Paraclete
Regnans per omne sǽculum.
Rule all the ages as they run.
27 January - Matutinum - Hymnus