Matutinum - Hymnus
14 June, 2020
1. Sacris solémniis juncta sint gáudia,
1. At this our solemn feast, Let holy joys abound,
Et ex præcórdiis sonent præcónia:
And from the inmost breast Let songs of praise resound;
Recédant vétera, nova sint ómnia,
Let ancient rites depart, And all be new around,
Corda, voces et ópera.
In every act and voice and heart.
2. Noctis recólitur cœna novíssima,
2. Remember we that eve, when, the Last Supper spread,
Qua Christus créditur agnum et ázyma
Christ, as we all believe, the Lamb, with leavenless bread,
Dedísse frátribus, juxta legítima
among His brethren shared, and thus the Law obeyed,
Priscis indúlta pátribus.
of all unto their sire declared.
3. Post agnum týpicum, explétis épulis,
3. The typic Lamb consumed, the legal Feast complete,
Corpus Domínicum datum discípulis,
the Lord unto the Twelve His Body gave to eat;
Sic totum ómnibus, quod totum síngulis,
the whole to all, no less the whole to each did mete
Ejus fatémur mánibus.
with His own hands, as we confess.
4. Dedit fragílibus córporis férculum,
4. He gave them, weak and frail, His Flesh, their Food to be;
Dedit et trístibus sánguinis póculum,
on them, downcast and sad, His Blood bestowed He:
Dicens: Accípite quod trado vásculum,
and thus to them He spake, "Receive this Cup from Me,
Omnes ex eo bíbite.
and all of you of this partake."
5. Sic sacrifícium istud instítuit,
5. So He this Sacrifice to institute did will,
Cujus offícium commítti vóluit
and charged His priests alone that office to fulfill:
Solis presbýteris, quibus sic cóngruit.
in them he did confide: To whom pertaineth still
Ut sumant, et dent céteris.
to take, and to the rest divide.
6. Panis angélicus fit panis hóminum:
6. Thus Angels' Bread is made the Bread of man today:
Dat panis cǽlicus figúris términum:
the Living Bread from heaven with figures dost away
O res mirábilis mandúcat Dóminum
O wondrous gift indeed! Upon their Lord and Master
Pauper, servus, et húmilis.
the poor and lowly may feed.
7. Te trina Déitas únaque póscimus,
7. O Triune Deity, to Thee we meekly pray,
Sic nos tu vísita, sicut te cólimus:
So mayst thou visit us, as we our homage pay;
Per tuas sémitas duc nos quo téndimus,
And in thy footsteps bright conduct us on our way
Ad lucem, quam inhábitas. Amen.
To where thou dwellest in cloudless light. Amen.
14 June - Matutinum - Hymnus