Matutinum - Hymnus
23 September, 2022
1. Tu, Trinitátis Unitas,
1. Lord God, one and three,
Orbem poténter qui regis,
All-powerful ruler of the world,
Atténde laudum cántica,
Receive the hymn of praise
Quæ excubántes psállimus.
That we sing as we keep watch.
2. Nam léctulo consúrgimus
2. For we rise from our beds
Noctis quiéto témpore,
In the quiet time of the night,
Ut flagitémus vúlnerum
That we may ask, for our wounds
A te medélam óminum.
Ask of Thee a remedy for all of them.
3. Quo fraude quidquid dǽmonum
3. That whatever, by the deception of the evil spirits,
In nóctibus delíquimus,
We have failed in during the night,
Abstérgat illud cǽlitus
From heaven may blot it out
Tuæ potéstas glóriæ.
By the might of Your glory.
4. Ne corpus adsit sórdidum,
4. Lest the body become defiled,
Nec torpor instet córdium,
And torpor of heart threaten,
Nec críminis contágio
And by the touch of sin
Tepéscat ardor spíritus.
The fervor of the soul be chilled.
5. Ob hoc, Redémptor, quǽsumus,
5. Wherefore we ask You, Redeemer,
Reple tuo nos lúmine,
Strengthen us with your splendor
Per quod diérum círculis
So that it does not make us fall
Nullis ruámus áctibus.
None of our actions.
6. Præsta, Pater piíssime,
6. Most loving Father, hear our prayer,
Patríque compar Unice,
And you, O Christ co-equal Son,
Cum Spíritu Paráclito
Who with the Spirit Paraclete
Regnans per omne sǽculum.
Rule all the ages as they run.
23 September - Matutinum - Hymnus