Missa - Graduale
25 February, 2023
Adjútor in opportunitátibus,
A helper in opportunity,
in tribulatióne:
in tribulation.
sperent in te,
May they hope in you,
qui novérunt te:
who know your name.
quóniam non derelínquis
For you have not abandoned
quæréntes te, Dómine.
those seeking you, Lord.
Quóniam non in finem
For the poor
oblívio erit páuperis:
will not be forgotten in the end.
patiéntia páuperum
The patience of the poor
non períbit in ætérnum:
will not perish in the end.
exsúrge, Dómine,
Rise up, Lord:
non præváleat homo.
do not let man be strengthened.
25 February - Missa - Graduale