Missa - Introitus
11 June, 2021
Cogitátiones Cordis ejus
The thoughts of His Heart
in generatióne et generatiónem:
are to all generations:
ut éruat a morte ánimas eórum
o deliver their souls from death
et alat eos in fame.
and feed them in famine.
Ps. Exsultáte, justi, in Dómino,
Ps. Rejoice in the Lord, ye just:
rectos decet collaudátio.
praise becometh the upright.
Cogitátiones Cordis ejus
The thoughts of His Heart
in generatióne et generatiónem:
are to all generations:
ut éruat a morte ánimas eórum
to deliver their souls from death
et alat eos in fame.
and feed them in famine.
11 June - Missa - Introitus