Missa - Introitus
24 October, 2021
Lætétur cor quæréntium Dóminum:
Let the heart of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
quǽrite Dóminum,
Seek the Lord,
et confirmámini:
and be confirmed.
quǽrite fáciem ejus semper.
Seek his face always.
Confitémini Dómino, et invocáte nomen ejus:
Confess to the Lord, and invoke his name.
annuntiáte inter gentes ópera ejus.
Announce his works among the nations.
Lætétur cor quæréntium Dóminum:
Let the heart of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
quǽrite Dóminum,
Seek the Lord,
et confirmámini:
and be confirmed.
quǽrite fáciem ejus semper.
Seek his face always.
24 October - Missa - Introitus