Nona - Antiphona
25 January, 2021
Ter virgis cæsus sum, semel lapidátus sum:
Three times was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned,
ter naufrágium pértuli pro Christi nómine.
three times I suffered shipwreck, for Christ's name's sake.
(Ps. 118, 129-152) Mirabília testimónia tua:
(Ps. 118, 129-152) Your testimonies are wonderful. Therefore,
ídeo scrutáta est ea ánima mea.
my soul has been examined by them.
2. Declarátio sermónum tuórum illúminat:
2. The declaration of your words illuminates,
et intelléctum dat párvulis.
and it gives understanding to little ones.
3. Os meum apérui, et attráxi spíritum:
3. I opened my mouth and drew breath,
quia mandáta tua desiderábam.
for I desired your commandments.
4. Aspice in me, et miserére mei:
4. Gaze upon me and be merciful to me,
secúndum judícium diligéntium nomen tuum.
according to the judgment of those who love your name.
5. Gressus meos dírige secúndum elóquium tuum:
5. Direct my steps according to your eloquence,
et non dominétur mei omnis injustítia.
and let no injustice rule over me.
6. Rédime me a calúmniis hóminum:
6. Redeem me from the slanders of men,
ut custódiam mandáta tua.
so that I may keep your commandments.
7. Fáciem tuam illúmina super servum tuum:
7. Make your face shine upon your servant,
et doce me justificatiónes tuas.
and teach me your justifications.
8. Exitus aquárum deduxérunt óculi mei:
8. My eyes have gushed like springs of water,
quia non custodiérunt legem tuam.
because they have not kept your law.
9. Glória Patri, et Fílio,
9. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
et Spirítui Sancto.
and to the Holy Spirit,
10. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
10. As it was in the beginning, is now,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
11. Justus es, Dómine:
11. You are just, O Lord,
et rectum judícium tuum.
and your judgment is right.
12. Mandásti justítiam testimónia tua:
12. You have commanded justice: your testimonies
et veritátem tuam nimis.
and your truth even more so.
13. Tabéscere me fecit zelus meus:
13. My zeal has caused me to pine away,
quia oblíti sunt verba tua inimíci mei.
because my enemies have forgotten your words.
14. Ignítum elóquium tuum veheménter:
14. Your eloquence has been greatly enflamed,
et servus tuus diléxit illud.
and your servant has loved it.
15. Adolescéntulus sum ego et contémptus:
15. I am young and treated with contempt.
justificatiónes tuas non sum oblítus.
But I have not forgotten your justifications.
16. Justítia tua, justítia in ætérnum:
16. Your justice is justice for all eternity,
et lex tua véritas.
and your law is truth.
17. Tribulátio, et angústia invenérunt me:
17.Tribulation and anguish have found me.
mandáta tua meditátio mea est.
Your commandments are my meditation.
18. Æquitas testimónia tua in ætérnum:
18. Your testimonies are fairness unto eternity.
intelléctum da mihi, et vivam.
Give me understanding, and I will live.
19. Glória Patri, et Fílio,
19. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
et Spirítui Sancto.
and to the Holy Spirit,
20. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
20. As it was in the beginning, is now,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
21. Clamávi in toto corde meo, exáudi me, Dómine:
21. I cried out with my whole heart. Heed me, O Lord.
justificatiónes tuas requíram.
I will ask for your justifications.
22. Clamávi ad te, salvum me fac:
22. I cried out to you. Save me,
ut custódiam mandáta tua.
so that I may keep your commandments.
23. Prævéni in maturitáte, et clamávi:
23. I arrived first in maturity, and so I cried out.
quia in verba tua supersperávi.
For in your words, I have hoped beyond hope.
24. Prævenérunt óculi mei ad te dilúculo:
24. My eyes preceded the dawn for you,
ut meditárer elóquia tua.
so that I might meditate on your eloquence.
25. Vocem meam audi secúndum misericórdiam tuam, Dómine:
25. Hear my voice according to your mercy, O Lord.
et secúndum judícium tuum vivífica me.
And revive me according to your judgment.
26. Appropinquavérunt persequéntes me iniquitáti:
26. Those who persecute me have drawn near to iniquity,
a lege autem tua longe facti sunt.
but they have been brought far from your law.
27. Prope es tu, Dómine:
27. You are near, O Lord,
et omnes viæ tuæ véritas.
and all your ways are truth.
28. Inítio cognóvi de testimóniis tuis:
28. I have known from the beginning about your testimonies.
quia in ætérnum fundásti ea.
For you founded them in eternity.
29. Glória Patri, et Fílio,
29. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
et Spirítui Sancto.
and to the Holy Spirit,
30. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
30. As it was in the beginning, is now,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ter virgis cæsus sum, semel lapidátus sum:
Three times was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned,
ter naufrágium pértuli pro Christi nómine.
three times I suffered shipwreck, for Christ's name's sake.
25 January - Nona - Antiphona