Nona - Hymnus
27 February, 2021
1. Ternis ter horis númerus
1. The holy number of the third
Nobis sacrátus pánditur
Of the three hours is reached
Sanctóque Jesu nómine
And by the holy name of Jesus
Munus precémur véniæ.
We beg the gift of pardon.
2. Latrónis, en, conféssio
2. Behold the confession of the thief
Christi merétur grátiam;
Merited the grace of Christ;
Laus nostra vel devótio
May our praise and devotion
Mercétur indulgéntiam.
Purchase forgiveness.
3. Mors per crucem nunc ínterit
3. Now death perishes through the cross
Et post tenébras lux rédit;
And after darkness light returns;
Horror dehíscat críminum,
The fear of sin is purged,
Splendor nitéscat méntium.
The splendor of souls shines.
4. Christum rogámus et Patrem,
4. We ask Christ and the Father
Christi Patrísque Spíritum,
And the Spirit of Christ and the Father,
Unum potens per ómnia,
One power through all things,
Fove precántes, Trínitas.
O Trinity, cherish those who pray to you.
27 February - Nona - Hymnus