Nona - Antiphona
14 June, 2020
Vincénti dabo mánna abscónditum,
To him that overcometh, I will give the hidden manna,
et nomen nóvum, allelúia.
and a new name, alleluia.
(Ps. 15) Consérva me, Dómine, quóniam sperávi in te:
(Ps. 15) Preserve me, O Lord, because I have hoped in you.
Dixi Dómino: Deus meus es tu,
I have said to the Lord: You are my God,
quóniam bonórum meórum non eges.
so you have no need of my goodness.
2. Sanctis, qui sunt in terra ejus,
2. As for the saints, who are in his land:
mirificávit omnes voluntátes meas in eis.
he has made all my desires wonderful in them.
3. Multiplicátæ sunt infirmitátes eórum:
3. Their infirmities have been multiplied;
póstea acceleravérunt.
after this, they acted more quickly.
4. Non congregábo conventícula eórum de sanguínibus,
4. I will not gather for their convocations of blood,
nec memor ero nóminum eórum per lábia mea.
nor will I remember their names with my lips.
5. Dóminus pars hereditátis meæ, et cálicis mei:
5. The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and my cup.
tu es, qui restítues hereditátem meam mihi.
It is you who will restore my inheritance to me.
6. Funes cecidérunt mihi in præcláris:
6. The lots have fallen upon me with clarity.
étenim heréditas mea præclára est mihi.
And, indeed, my inheritance has been very clear to me.
7. Benedícam Dóminum, qui tríbuit mihi intelléctum:
7. I will bless the Lord, who has bestowed understanding upon me.
ínsuper et usque ad noctem increpuérunt me renes mei.
Moreover, my temperament has also corrected me, even through the night.
8. Providébam Dóminum in conspéctu meo semper:
8. I have made provision for the Lord always in my sight.
quóniam a dextris est mihi, ne commóvear.
For he is at my right hand, so that I may not be disturbed.
9. Propter hoc lætátum est cor meum, et exsultávit lingua mea:
9. Because of this, my heart has been joyful, and my tongue has exulted.
ínsuper et caro mea requiéscet in spe.
Moreover, even my body will rest in hope.
10. Quóniam non derelínques ánimam meam in inférno:
10. For you will not abandon my soul to Hell,
nec dabis sanctum tuum vidére corruptiónem.
nor will you allow your holy one to see corruption.
11. Notas mihi fecísti vias vitæ,
11. You have made known to me the ways of life;
adimplébis me lætítia cum vultu tuo:
you will fill me with joy by your countenance.
delectatiónes in déxtera tua usque in finem.
At your right hand are delights, even to the end.
12. Glória Patri, et Fílio,
12. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
et Spirítui Sancto.
and to the Holy Spirit,
13. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
13. As it was in the beginning, is now,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
14. (Ps. 16) Exáudi, Dómine, justítiam meam:
14. (Ps. 16) A Prayer of David. Lord, listen to my justice,
inténde deprecatiónem meam.
attend to my supplication.
15. Auribus pércipe oratiónem meam,
15. Pay attention to my prayer,
non in lábiis dolósis.
which is not from deceitful lips.
16. De vultu tuo judícium meum pródeat:
16. Let my judgment proceed from your presence.
óculi tui vídeant æquitátes.
Let your eyes behold fairness.
17. Probásti cor meum, et visitásti nocte:
17. You have tested my heart and visited it by night.
igne me examinásti,
You have examined me by fire,
et non est invénta in me iníquitas.
and iniquity has not been found in me.
18. Ut non loquátur os meum ópera hóminum:
18. Therefore, may my mouth not speak the works of men.
propter verba labiórum tuórum ego custodívi vias duras.
I have kept to difficult ways because of the words of your lips.
19. Pérfice gressus meos in sémitis tuis:
19. Perfect my steps in your paths,
ut non moveántur vestígia mea.
so that my footsteps may not be disturbed.
20. Ego clamávi, quóniam exaudísti me, Deus:
20. I have cried out because you, O God,
inclína aurem tuam mihi, et exáudi verba mea.
have listened to me. Incline your ear to me and heed my words.
21. Mirífica misericórdias tuas,
21. Make your mercies wonderful,
qui salvos facis sperántes in te.
for you save those who hope in you.
22. Glória Patri, et Fílio,
22. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
et Spirítui Sancto.
and to the Holy Spirit,
23. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
23. As it was in the beginning, is now,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
24. (Ps. 16) A resisténtibus déxteræ tuæ custódi me,
24. (Ps. 16) From those who resist your right hand,
ut pupíllam óculi.
preserve me like the pupil of your eye.
25. Sub umbra alárum tuárum prótege me:
25. Protect me under the shadow of your wings,
a fácie impiórum qui me afflixérunt.
from the face of the impious who have afflicted me.
26. Inimíci mei ánimam meam circumdedérunt,
26. My enemies have surrounded my soul.
ádipem suum conclusérunt:
They have concealed their fatness;
os eórum locútum est supérbiam.
their mouth has been speaking arrogantly.
27. Projiciéntes me nunc circumdedérunt me:
27. They have cast me out, and now they have surrounded me.
óculos suos statuérunt declináre in terram.
They have cast their eyes down to the earth.
28. Suscepérunt me sicut leo parátus ad prædam:
28. They have taken me, like a lion ready for the prey,
et sicut cátulus leónis hábitans in ábditis.
and like a young lion dwelling in hiding.
29. Exsúrge, Dómine, prǽveni eum, et supplánta eum:
29. Rise up, O Lord, arrive before him and displace him.
éripe ánimam meam ab ímpio,
Deliver my soul from the impious one:
frámeam tuam ab inimícis manus tuæ.
your spear from the enemies of your hand.
30. Dómine, a paucis de terra dívide eos in vita eórum:
30. Lord, divide them from the few of the earth in their life.
de abscónditis tuis adimplétus est venter eórum.
Their gut has been filled from your hidden stores.
31. Saturáti sunt fíliis:
31. They have been filled with sons,
et dimisérunt relíquias suas párvulis suis.
and they have bequeathed to their little ones the remainder.
32. Ego autem in justítia apparébo conspéctui tuo:
32. But as for me, I will appear before your sight in justice.
satiábor cum apparúerit glória tua.
I will be satisfied when your glory appears.
33. Glória Patri, et Fílio,
33. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
et Spirítui Sancto.
and to the Holy Spirit,
34. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
34. As it was in the beginning, is now,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Vincénti dabo mánna abscónditum,
To him that overcometh, I will give the hidden manna,
et nomen nóvum, allelúia.
and a new name, alleluia.
14 June - Nona - Antiphona