Sexta - Antiphona
11 June, 2021
In caritáte perpétua diléxit nos Deus,
With an everlasting love hath God loved us,
ídeo exaltátus a terra,
and from the day that he was lifted up over the earth,
attráxit nos ad Cor suum míserans.
he hath drawn us with loving-kindness unto his Heart.
(Ps. 17) Cum sancto sanctus eris,
(Ps. 17) With the holy, you will be holy,
et cum viro innocénte ínnocens eris:
and with the innocent, you will be innocent,
2. Et cum elécto eléctus eris:
2. and with the elect, you will be elect,
et cum pervérso pervertéris.
and with the perverse, you will be perverse.
3. Quóniam tu pópulum húmilem salvum fácies:
3. For you will save the humble people,
et óculos superbórum humiliábis.
but you will bring down the eyes of the arrogant.
4. Quóniam tu illúminas lucérnam meam, Dómine:
4. For you illuminate my lamp, O Lord.
Deus meus, illúmina ténebras meas.
My God, enlighten my darkness.
5. Quóniam in te erípiar a tentatióne,
5. For in you, I will be delivered from temptation;
et in Deo meo transgrédiar murum.
and with my God, I will climb over a wall.
6. Deus meus, impollúta via ejus:
6. As for my God, his way is undefiled.
elóquia Dómini igne examináta:
The eloquence of the Lord has been examined by fire.
protéctor est ómnium sperántium in se.
He is the protector of all who hope in him.
7. Glória Patri, et Fílio,
7. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
et Spirítui Sancto.
and to the Holy Spirit,
8. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
8. As it was in the beginning, is now,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
9. Quóniam quis Deus præter Dóminum?
9. For who is God, except the Lord?
aut quis Deus præter Deum nostrum?
And who is God, except our God?
10. Deus, qui præcínxit me virtúte:
10. It is God who has wrapped me with virtue
et pósuit immaculátam viam meam.
and made my way immaculate.
11. Qui perfécit pedes meos tamquam cervórum,
11. It is he who has perfected my feet, like the feet of deer,
et super excélsa státuens me.
and who stations me upon the heights.
12. Qui docet manus meas ad prǽlium:
12. It is he who trains my hands for battle.
et posuísti, ut arcum ǽreum, bráchia mea.
And you have set my arms like a bow of brass.
13. Et dedísti mihi protectiónem salútis tuæ:
13. And you have given me the protection of your salvation.
et déxtera tua suscépit me:
And your right hand sustains me.
14. Et disciplína tua corréxit me in finem:
14. And your discipline has corrected me unto the end.
et disciplína tua ipsa me docébit.
And your discipline itself will teach me.
15. Dilatásti gressus meos subtus me:
15. You have expanded my footsteps under me,
et non sunt infirmáta vestígia mea:
and my tracks have not been weakened.
16. Pérsequar inimícos meos et comprehéndam illos:
16. I will pursue my enemies and apprehend them.
et non convértar, donec defíciant.
And I will not turn back until they have failed.
17. Confríngam illos, nec póterunt stare:
17. I will break them, and they will not be able to stand.
cadent subtus pedes meos.
They will fall under my feet.
18. Et præcinxísti me virtúte ad bellum:
18. And you have wrapped me with virtue for the battle.
et supplantásti insurgéntes in me subtus me.
And those rising up against me, you have subdued under me.
19. Et inimícos meos dedísti mihi dorsum,
19. And you have given the back of my enemies to me,
et odiéntes me disperdidísti.
and you have destroyed those who hated me.
20. Clamavérunt, nec erat qui salvos fáceret ad Dóminum:
20. They cried out, but there was none to save them, to the Lord,
nec exaudívit eos.
but he did not heed them.
21. Et commínuam illos, ut púlverem ante fáciem venti:
21. And I will crush them into dust before the face of the wind,
ut lutum plateárum delébo eos.
so that I will obliterate them like the mud in the streets.
22. Glória Patri, et Fílio,
22. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
et Spirítui Sancto.
and to the Holy Spirit,
23. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
23. As it was in the beginning, is now,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
24. Erípies me de contradictiónibus pópuli:
24. You will rescue me from the contradictions of the people.
constítues me in caput géntium.
You will set me at the head of the Gentiles.
25. Pópulus quem non cognóvi servívit mihi:
25. A people I did not know has served me.
in audítu auris obedívit mihi.
As soon as their ears heard, they were obedient to me.
26. Fílii aliéni mentíti sunt mihi,
26. The sons of foreigners have been deceitful to me,
fílii aliéni inveteráti sunt,
the sons of foreigners have grown weak with time,
et claudicavérunt a sémitis suis.
and they have wavered from their paths.
27. Vivit Dóminus, et benedíctus Deus meus:
27. The Lord lives, and blessed is my God,
et exaltétur Deus salútis meæ.
and may the God of my salvation be exalted:
28. Deus, qui das vindíctas mihi, et subdis pópulos sub me:
28. O God, who vindicates me and who subdues the people under me,
liberátor meus de inimícis meis iracúndis.
my liberator from my enraged enemies.
29. Et ab insurgéntibus in me exaltábis me:
29. And you will exalt me above those who rise up against me.
a viro iníquo erípies me.
From the iniquitous man, you will rescue me.
30. Proptérea confitébor tibi in natiónibus, Dómine:
30. Because of this, O Lord, I will confess to you among the nations,
et nómini tuo psalmum dicam.
and I will compose a psalm to your name.
31. Magníficans salútes Regis ejus,
31. Magnifying the salvation of his king,
et fáciens misericórdiam Christo suo David:
and showing mercy to David, his Christ,
et sémini ejus usque in sǽculum.
and to his offspring, even for all time.
32. Glória Patri, et Fílio,
32. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
et Spirítui Sancto.
and to the Holy Spirit,
33. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
33. As it was in the beginning, is now,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
In caritáte perpétua diléxit nos Deus,
With an everlasting love hath God loved us,
ídeo exaltátus a terra,
and from the day that he was lifted up over the earth,
attráxit nos ad Cor suum míserans.
he hath drawn us with loving-kindness unto his Heart.
11 June - Sexta - Antiphona