Sexta - Antiphona
14 June, 2020
Pinguis est panis Christi,
Out of Christ His bread shall be fat,
et præbébit delícias régibus, allelúia.
and He shall yield royal dainties, alleluia.
(Ps. 12) Usquequo, Domine, obliviscéris me in finem?
(Ps. 12) How long, O Lord? Will you forget me until the end?
úsquequo avértis fáciem tuam a me?
How long will you turn your face away from me?
2. Quámdiu ponam consília in ánima mea,
2. How long can I take counsel in my soul,
dolórem in corde meo per diem?
sorrowing in my heart throughout the day?
3. Usquequo exaltábitur inimícus meus super me?
3. How long will my enemy be exalted over me?
réspice, et exáudi me, Dómine, Deus meus.
Look upon me and listen to me, O Lord my God.
4. Illúmina óculos meos ne umquam obdórmiam in morte:
4. Enlighten my eyes, lest I fall asleep forever in death,
nequándo dicat inimícus meus: præválui advérsus eum.
lest at any time my enemy may say, I have prevailed against him.
5. Qui tríbulant me, exsultábunt si motus fúero:
5. Those who trouble me will exult, if I have been disturbed.
ego autem in misericórdia tua sperávi.
But I have hoped in your mercy.
6. Exsultábit cor meum in salutári tuo:
6. My heart will exult in your salvation.
cantábo Dómino qui bona tríbuit mihi:
I will sing to the Lord, who assigns good things to me.
et psallam nómini Dómini altíssimi.
And I will sing psalms to the name of the Lord Most High.
7. Glória Patri, et Fílio,
7. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
et Spirítui Sancto.
and to the Holy Spirit,
8. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
8. As it was in the beginning, is now,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
9. (Ps. 52) Dixit insípiens in corde suo:
9. (Ps. 52) The fool has said in his heart,
Non est Deus.
There is no God.
10. Corrúpti sunt, et abominábiles facti sunt in stúdiis suis:
10. They were corrupted, and they became abominable.
non est qui fáciat bonum, non est usque ad unum.
There is no one who does good.
11. Dóminus de cælo prospéxit super fílios hóminum,
11. God gazed down from heaven on the sons of men,
ut vídeat si est intélligens, aut requírens Deum.
to see if there were any who were considering or seeking God.
12. Omnes declinavérunt, simul inútiles facti sunt:
12. All have gone astray; together they have become useless.
non est qui fáciat bonum, non est usque ad unum.
There is no one who does good; there is not even one.
13. Nonne cognóscent omnes qui operántur iniquitátem,
13. Will they never learn: all those who work iniquity,
qui dévorant plebem meam sicut escam panis?
who devour my people like a meal of bread?
14. Dóminum non invocavérunt,
14. They have not called upon God.
illic trepidavérunt timóre, ubi non erat timor.
In that place, they have trembled in fear, where there was no fear.
15. Quóniam Dóminus in generatióne justa est,
15. For God has scattered the bones of those who please men.
consílium ínopis confudístis:
They have been confounded,
quóniam Dóminus spes ejus est.
because God has spurned them.
16. Quis dabit ex Sion salutáre Israël?
16. Who will grant from Zion the salvation of Israel?
cum avérterit Dóminus captivitátem plebis suæ,
when God will convert the captivity of his people,
exsultábit Jacob, et lætábitur Israël.
Jacob will exult, and Israel will rejoice.
17. Glória Patri, et Fílio,
17. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
et Spirítui Sancto.
and to the Holy Spirit,
18. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
18. As it was in the beginning, is now,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
19. (Ps. 14) Dómine, quis habitábit in tabernáculo tuo?
19. ( Ps. 14) O Lord, who will dwell in your tabernacle?
aut quis requiéscet in monte sancto tuo?
Or who will rest on your holy mountain?
20. Qui ingréditur sine mácula,
20. He who walks without blemish
et operátur justítiam:
and who works justice.
21. Qui lóquitur veritátem in corde suo,
21. He who speaks the truth in his heart,
qui non egit dolum in lingua sua:
who has not acted deceitfully with his tongue,
22. Nec fecit próximo suo malum,
22. and has not done evil to his neighbor,
et oppróbrium non accépit advérsus próximos suos.
and has not taken up a reproach against his neighbors.
23. Ad níhilum dedúctus est in conspéctu ejus malígnus:
23. In his sight, the malicious one has been reduced to nothing,
timéntes autem Dóminum gloríficat:
but he glorifies those who fear the Lord.
24. Qui jurat próximo suo, et non décipit,
24. He who swears to his neighbor and does not deceive.
qui pecúniam suam non dedit ad usúram,
He who has not given his money in usury,
et múnera super innocéntem non accépit.
nor accepted bribes against the innocent.
25. Qui facit hæc:
25. He who does these things
non movébitur in ætérnum.
will be undisturbed for eternity.
26. Glória Patri, et Fílio,
26. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
et Spirítui Sancto.
and to the Holy Spirit,
27. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
27. As it was in the beginning, is now,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Pinguis est panis Christi,
Out of Christ His bread shall be fat,
et præbébit delícias régibus, allelúia.
and He shall yield royal dainties, alleluia.
14 June - Sexta - Antiphona