Tertia - Hymnus
05 April, 2023
1. Dei fide, qua vívimus,
1. Faith in God, by which we live,
Qua spe perénni crédimus,
In eternal hope by which we believe,
Per caritátis grátiam
Through the grace of love
Christi canámus glóriam.
We sing the glory of Christ.
2. Qui ductus hora tértia
2. Who was lead at the third hour
Ad passiónis hóstiam,
To the sacrifice of the passion,
Crucis ferens suspéndia
Bearing the gibbet of the cross
Ovem redúxit pérditam.
He returned the lost sheep.
3. Precémur ergo súbditi,
3. We humbly pray therefore
Redemptióne líberi,
That delivered by his redemption
Ut éruat a sǽculo
He would rescue from the world
Quos solvit a chirógrapho.
Those he freed from the charge.
4. Christum rogámus et Patrem,
4. We ask Christ and the Father
Christi Patrísque Spíritum,
And the Spirit of Christ and the Father,
Unum potens per ómnia,
One power through all things,
Fove precántes, Trínitas.
O Trinity, cherish those who pray to you.
05 April - Tertia - Hymnus