Vesperas - Hymnus
25 January, 2021
1. Exsúltet cælum láudibus,
1. Now let the earth with joy resound,
Resúltet terra gáudiis
and heaven the chant re-echo round;
Apostolórum glóriam
nor heaven nor earth too high can raise
Sacra canunt solémnia.
the great Apostles' glorious praise.
2. Vos, sæcli justi júdices,
2. O ye who, throned in glory dread,
Et vera mundi lúmina,
Shall judge the living and the dead,
Votis precámur córdium:
Lights of the world forevermore!
Audíte preces súpplicum.
To you the suppliant prayer we pour.
3. Qui cælum verbo cláuditis,
3. Ye close the sacred gates on high;
Serásque ejus sólvitis,
at your command apart they fly:
Nos a peccátis ómnibus
oh! loose for us the guilty chain
Sólvite jussu, quǽsumus.
we strive to break, and strive in vain.
4. Quorum præcépto súbditur
4. Sickness and health your voice obey;
Salus et languor ómnium,
at your command they go or stay:
Sanáte ægros móribus,
from sin's disease our souls restore;
Nos reddéntes virtútibus:
in good confirm us more and more.
5. Ut, cum Judex advénerit
5. So when the world is at its end,
Christus in fine sǽculi,
and Christ to judgement shall descend,
Nos sempitérni gáudii
may we be called those joys to see
Fáciat esse cómpotes.
prepared from all eternity.
6. Deo Patri sit glória,
6. Praise to the Father, with the Son,
Ejúsque soli Fílio,
and Holy Spirit, Three in One;
Cum Spíritu Paráclito,
as ever was in ages past,
Et nunc, et in perpétuum.
and so shall be while ages last.
25 January - Vesperas - Hymnus