Vesperas I - Lectio
27 February, 2021
Exhortámur vos ne in vácuum grátiam Dei recipiátis.
We exhort you not to receive the grace of God in vain.
Ait enim: Témpore accépto exaudívi te et in die salútis adjúvi te.
For he says: In a favorable time, I heeded you; and on the day of salvation, I helped you.
Ecce nunc tempus acceptábile, ecce nunc dies salútis,
Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
némini dantes ullam offensiónem, ut non vituperétur ministérium,
May we never give offense to anyone, so that our ministry may not be disparaged.
sed in ómnibus exhibéntes nosmetípsos sicut Dei minístros.
But in all things, let us exhibit ourselves as ministers of God.
27 February - Vesperas I - Lectio