Vesperas - Hymnus
20 August, 2020
1. Jam Regína discúbuit,
1. Now that the Queen repose has won,
Sedens post Unigénitum:
Enthroned beneath the only Son,
Nardus odórem tríbuit,
Comes Bernard yielding odors sweet,
Bernárdus tradens spíritum.
And lays his spirit at her feet.
2. Dulcis Regínæ gústui
2. His fruit was pleasant to her taste;
Fructus sui suávitas:
His perfume sweet of spirit chaste
Dulcis ejus olfáctui
Was like to precious ointment poured,
Nardi Bernárdi sánctitas.
The nard of holy living stored.
3. Veni sponsa de Líbano,
3. Behold he comes from Lebanon,
Coronánda divínitus,
Espousal-crowned as Solomon
Ut Bernárdus de clíbano
In all his glad magnificence,
Veníret Sancti Spíritus.
With powder, myrrh and frankincense.
4. Quæ est ista progrédiens
4. O who is this, as roseate dawn,
Velut auróra rútilans?
Who, looking forth as fair as morn,
Quis est iste transíliens
With heart awakening from sleep
Colles, sanctis conjúbilans?
Upon the mountain heights doth leap?
5. Hæc glória terríbilis,
5. O who is this, so lovable,
Sicut castrórum ácies:
As bannered army terrible?
Hic grátia mirábilis,
O thou who, drawn, thy course hast run,
Ut Assuéri fácies.
As fair as moon and clear as sun.
6. Ora pro nobis Dóminum,
6. By thy choice sprigs of gathered myrrh
Prædúlcis fumi vírgula:
Pray for us sinners when we err,
Inclína Patrem lúminum,
And plead before the Father's face
Pastor, ardens ut fácula.
With ardent, torch-like flame of grace.
7. Sit Trinitáti glória,
7. All glory to the Trinity
Per quam triúmphus Vírginis
To whom in sweet felicity
Et Bernárdi felícitas
The Virgin in her triumph high
Manent in cæli cúria.
Brings Bernard, for eternity.
20 August - Vesperas - Hymnus