Vesperas - Antiphona
14 June, 2020
Qui pacem ponit fines Ecclésiæ,
The Lord, who putteth peace in the borders of the Church,
fruménti ádipe sátiat nos Dóminus.
filleth us with the fat of wheat.
(Ps. 147) Lauda, Jerúsalem, Dóminum:
(Ps. 147) Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem.
lauda Deum tuum, Sion.
Praise your God, O Zion.
2. Quóniam confortávit seras portárum tuárum:
2. For he has reinforced the bars of your gates.
benedíxit fíliis tuis in te.
He has blessed your sons within you.
3. Qui pósuit fines tuos pacem:
3. He has stationed peace at your borders,
et ádipe fruménti sátiat te.
and he has satisfied you with the fat of the grain.
4. Qui emíttit elóquium suum terræ:
4. He sends forth his eloquence to the earth.
velóciter currit sermo ejus.
His word runs swiftly.
5. Qui dat nivem sicut lanam:
5. He provides snow like wool.
nébulam sicut cínerem spargit.
He strews clouds like ashes.
6. Mittit crystállum suam sicut buccéllas:
6. He sends his ice crystals like morsels.
ante fáciem frígoris ejus quis sustinébit?
Who can stand firm before the face of his cold?
7. Emíttet verbum suum, et liquefáciet ea:
7. He will send forth his word, and it will melt them.
flabit spíritus ejus, et fluent aquæ.
His Spirit will breathe out, and the waters will flow.
8. Qui annúntiat verbum suum Jacob:
8. He announces his word to Jacob,
justítias, et judícia sua Israel.
his justices and his judgments to Israel.
9. Non fecit táliter omni natióni:
9. He has not done so much for every nation,
et judícia sua non manifestávit eis.
and he has not made his judgments manifest to them.
10. Glória Patri, et Fílio,
10. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
et Spirítui Sancto.
and to the Holy Spirit,
11. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,
11. As it was in the beginning, is now,
et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Qui pacem ponit fines Ecclésiæ,
The Lord, who putteth peace in the borders of the Church,
fruménti ádipe sátiat nos Dóminus.
filleth us with the fat of wheat.
14 June - Vesperas - Antiphona