Vesperas - Hymnus
19 March, 2024
iTE,Jo-seph,-le-brentágmi-na-li-tum:Tecunctire-so-nentchri-stí-a-dumcho-ri,Quicla-rus-ri-tis,junctusesíncly-Ca-stofœ́-de-reVír-gi-ni.2. Almocum-mi-damgérmi-necónju-gemAd-rans,-bi-otán-ge-risánxi-us,Afflá-tu-pe-riFlá-mi-nisAnge-lusConcép-tum-e-rumdo-cet.3. Tuna-tum-mi-numstringis,adéx-te-rasÆ-gýp-tipró-fu-gumtu-que-rispla-gas:Amís-sum-ly-misquǽ-ris,etínve-nis,Mi-scensgáu-di-aflé-ti-bus.4. E-léc-tos-li-quosmorspi-acónse-crat,Palmámquee--ri-tosgló-ri-a-sci-pit:Tuvi-vens,-pe-rispar,frú-e-risDe-o,Mi-rasor-tebe-á-ti-or.5. No-bis,summaTri-as,par-cepre-cán-ti-bus:DaJo-seph-ri-tis-de-rascánde-re,Uttan-dem-ce-atnosti-bipérpe-timGra-tumpró-me-recán-ti-cum.A-men.Hieronymus Casanate († 1700)
iTE,Jo-seph,-le-brentágmi-na-li-tum:Tecunctire-so-nentchri-stí-a-dumcho-ri,Quicla-rus-ri-tis,junctusesíncly-Ca-stofœ́-de-reVír-gi-ni.2. Almocum-mi-damgérmi-necónju-gemAd-rans,-bi-otán-ge-risánxi-us,Afflá-tu-pe-riFlá-mi-nisAnge-lusConcép-tum-e-rumdo-cet.3. Tuna-tum-mi-numstringis,adéx-te-rasÆ-gýp-tipró-fu-gumtu-que-rispla-gas:Amís-sum-ly-misquǽ-ris,etínve-nis,Mi-scensgáu-di-aflé-ti-bus.4. E-léc-tos-li-quosmorspi-acónse-crat,Palmámquee--ri-tosgló-ri-a-sci-pit:Tuvi-vens,-pe-rispar,frú-e-risDe-o,Mi-rasor-tebe-á-ti-or.5. No-bis,summaTri-as,par-cepre-cán-ti-bus:DaJo-seph-ri-tis-de-rascánde-re,Uttan-dem-ce-atnosti-bipérpe-timGra-tumpró-me-recán-ti-cum.A-men.Hieronymus Casanate († 1700)
1. Te, Joseph, célebrent ágmina cǽlitum :
1. O Joseph, the heavenly hosts celebrate you,
Te cuncti resonent christíadum chori,
And all the choirs of Christendom resound the praise,
Qui clarus méritis, junctus es ínclytæ
You who with merits bright are joined
Casto fœ́dere Vírgini.
In a chaste bound with the glorious Virgin.
2. Almo cum túmidam gérmine cónjugem
2. When you were amazed at your wife pregnant with her loving child,
Admírans, dúbio tángeris ánxius,
Anxiously you were seized by doubt,
Afflátu súperi Fláminis Angelus
An angel told you that the child was conceived
Concéptum púerum docet.
By the breath of the heavenly Spirit.
3. Tu natum Dóminum stringis, ad éxteras
3. You took the newborn Lord
Ægýpti prófugum tu séqueris plagas:
That you might follow him on the journey to the far-off land of Egypt;
Amíssum Sólymis quǽris, et ínvenis,
You searched for and found him, when he was lost in Jerusalem,
Miscens gáudia flétibus.
Your joy mingled with weeping.
4. Eléctos réliquos mors pia cónsecrat,
4. A holy death consecrates other chosen men
Palmámque eméritos glória súscipit:
And glory and palms of victory greet the deserving;
Tu vivens, Súperis par, frúeris Deo,
But you living had a more blessed and wondrous lot,
Mira sorte beátior.
You were here with God like those in heaven.
5. Nobis, summa Trias, parce precántibus:
5. Highest Trinity, grant to us by
Da Joseph méritis sídera scándere,
the merits of Joseph to reach the stars
Ut tandem líceat nos tibi pérpetim
that at last we may sing forever
Gratum prómere cánticum.
to you a canticle of thanks.
19 March - Vesperas - Hymnus